How do I take photos right?

The basic rule is quality over quantity, a few photos are enough. Here you can see example images for different items.

Orders and decorations, decorations with boxes or several decorations

  1. Take a photo from the front and backside
  2. For medals please always take photos from above (90° angle to the piece) – no side views

Edged weapons

  1. Pull the dagger out of the scabbard
  2. Photograph the front and backside
  3. Manufacturer markings or damage (if any)

Helmets / Spike helmets

  1. Overall view front, back, top
  2. Side emblems
  3. Inside photo of the lining
  4. Steel helmets often have manufacturer markings on the sides and neck area
  5. Damages (if any)


  1. Place jacket on a flat surface
  2. Photograph the front and backside
  3. Open the jacket, take a photo from the inside
  4. Manufacturer markings or damage (if any)

Visor hats

  1. Place the visor hat on a flat surface
  2. Overall view from front, back and top
  3. A photo from inside
  4. Manufacturer markings or damage (if any)

Photo albums, photo groups and single Photos

  1. The total value of an album is determined by the value of each photo
  2. Plese photograph all pages from the album
  3. In case of photo groups please take pictures of all singe photos